I used to blog on MySpace when I was in high school. I don't think I've posted anything on there in over a year. I'm in college now, and I'm thinking, "All my friends are blogging! Maybe I should again." So, this is going to be a bit of an introduction into my life. I'm probably going to post pretty sporadically because I get busy and distracted easily, but hopefully people will enjoy what I post.
So, this is my life as I'm living it.
I was raised in a small town in North Alabama. It used to be the "Sock Capital of the World" because of it's large hosiery industry. And it's home to country music "super group," Alabama. (If you want to know the name, ask me or Google it.) But now the hosiery industry's pretty much moved out and Alabama's retired. Each year, the town seems to shrivel a little. Yes, efforts are being made to preserve and improve, but when people start to leave and houses and businesses stand empty, things get run down quickly.
I'm not complaining though. It was a great place to grow up. It's in a very scenic rural area of the state and I have many fond memories of hiking, biking, swimming and climbing in many of its best spots. It's my home and where I still feel most comfortable.
One of my favorite parts of being home is my church. I love my church family (most of them are either nearing the point of being senior citizens or well past it). They are small in number, but enormous in their generosity and love. they have been a guiding hand for me throughout my life even though I have almost abandoned them on a couple of occasions. The church building is also very lovely and historic. It's very cozy and inviting when everyone is there. I feel a deep connection to my home church because my spiritual roots grow from its history and theology. I am proudly PC (USA) Presbyterian, and although I may not be able to express my spiritual viewpoints in a clear manner or just randomly recite verses of the bible to help prove a point, I consider myself a very spiritual person and do not believe my love of God is ever going to be in question again (I'm not saying I'm not going to question biblical principles and certain christian beliefs, though).
Okay, back to my life. After 13 years in the local school system, I graduated and then attended the local community college for 2 years. During these many years of education, I've made some friends that will probably be mentioned quite a bit. The top 2, however, are Rachel Gulley (with whom I have been best friends sice 4th grade... and whom I will mention more in just a moment) and Jessica Heaton (who I met during my time at the community college).
This brings us to where I am today. I'm currently in my second semester at Auburn University, majoring in graphic design. The program is very difficult and requires a lot of time, effort, and money. It also means that I still have 2 1/2 years of college left because I transferred. However, I have made many new friends here. Some of the ones that will probably be mentioned the most from the art/GDES bunch are Ashley Burrough, Rebecca Williams, Jeremy Barnes, and Becca Campomanes. Besides my GDES friends, I also have a strong community withing my church here in Auburn. I'm attending the local PC (USA) church, where we have an excellent Presbyterian Student Fellowship led by our wonderful associate minister, Rachel Winter. Some of the friends I will probably mention a lot of these people, plus a few others, at different times along the way, so just bear with me. There's to many to name right now.
One of my favorite things about Auburn is that my BFF Rachel goes here too! She lives with her boyfriend, Dustin, and we try to hang out once a week.
So that brings you up to speed. I'll probably do some reflections along the way about my past, present and future as well as share funny stories and things I find along the way. And perhaps a book review or film review too. Who knows?
Right now, I'm reading H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine" for my Sci-Fi as Intellectual History class and getting ready to watch the Super Bowl (ads) later. Can't wait to really get things started here and hopefully I'll remember to update pretty regularly.