I've gone completely nuts. Maybe I've been watching You've Got Mail too much. Maybe it's because I'm on my period or stressed out over finals. I don't know.
Earlier today, I got it in my head to try an online dating site. Just to try it. It seemed harmless enough, right? Just fill out a personal profile, answer a few questions, post a few pictures, strike up a conversation… perhaps, even flirt a little.
So, that's what I did. I set up a profile on OKCupid.com, "The Google of Internet Dating." Apparently, they have a pretty specific algorithm much like that of Google that matches people pretty well. And, it did work pretty well. I got a lot of promising looking profiles right off the bat. But most of them, as I started going through their questions, didn't look like good prospects at all. 3rd profile in, I thought to myself, "Hmm… this guy sounds interesting." So I sent him a message, and went on browsing.
He replied.
And I replied.
And he replied.
… And I replied.
For over 3 hours he and I messaged back and forth through this dating site. We talked about movies and comic books and cars and guns and art and science and all sorts of fun things.
And then he said, "I've really enjoyed talking to you. I hope we can meet sometime."
…And… drumroll, please… now, I have a lunch date with a guy I met on a dating site!!!
I mean, I know it's just going to be a casual lunch date, but I've never been on a real date of ANY KIND in MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! I'm kinda panicking right now.
He seems nice enough, though. He's 23, really nerdy, kinda big and balding. But other than that pretty normal. He didn't seem too scared after he asked who my favorite actor was and I started ranting about Bruce Campbell lol.
We'll see how it goes. Hopeful that he won't be some creepy internet predator. Glad I picked a well-lit public place to meet (Panera), just in case.