Friday, February 4, 2011

Why emotions win

First off, I need to say this: It's not working out, Album a Week blog. It's not you; it's me. I just don't have the motivation to maintain a regular blog. Plus, blogs are almost outdated. With the likes of Twitter, where you can share a thought and it's gone in a few days, who needs a blog? You forget what you said pretty soon, anyway. Oh, well.

I apparently only blog when I've been drinking or in a very emotional state.

Right now, I'm in both. I hate being a woman sometimes, especially on days like today when it's cold and rainy and there's nowhere to go and nothing to do. I've been sitting here on the couch most of the day watching TCM's 31 Days of Oscar. I'm loving every minute of it.

It's making me realize what a lonely life I lead. I mean, I have friends, with whom I probably share too much in some cases, but there's so much they don't know. There was that previous post about my previous life experiences. Most of my "friends" don't know that. Most of my "friends" probably wouldn't care to know that.

I do love old movies though. They don't change like people do. People let you down. Most of these old movies are classics because they are reliably entertaining. Yes, I know, that some of the movies I enjoy are crap, and I know that some of the movies I don't enjoy are considered fantastic by many others, and then there's just the classics that are timeless for all. TCM shows all three: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (and yes they occasionally show that movie too, lol). This is the first year I've had TCM on my TV. I mean, we had it in the dorm, but I didn't use my roommate Katie's TV when she lived with me because she was an evil whiny bitch… okay, that was mean, but it's true. I did enjoy my second roommate though. She liked movies too…

But, back to TCM…
This is the first time I've had this channel. I've always enjoyed watching it every chance I've had, and it was my sister's favorite channel when she was at school. I really like their programming structure and film selections (usually). And this 31 Days of Oscar thing is genius! It gives you the best of the best from different times in film history and shows obviously how tastes have changed through the years.
It shows me especially, though, how movies have skewed views on life and love.

AND this is why movies have ruined me. And why my emotions win out and I lose every time.


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