Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lazy Weekend

I've not had a stressful week. At all. And this weekend's a very lazy one. I've only gotten out of my bed so far today 3 times. Hehehe. Maybe 4. Who's counting? Not me. I'm lazy.
We're definitely in the downhill slide toward Spring Break and I have officially gone 2 weeks, 2 days without Facebook!!! Yay! 4 weeks left to go!

In the meantime, I went to see They Might Be Giants and Jonathan Coulton. Gosh, that was so much fun. Definitely one of the most entertaining shows I've seen even if the sound wasn't good. Anything with confetti cannons, a disco ball, and sock puppets is worth seeing. PSF basketball got out in the third round of playoffs. We had a fundraiser party to raise money for Hearts for Haiti. The party was fun, but I think hanging out with Aubie's more fun when you don't know who's in the suit...

...And that's about it. Like I said, a lazy week.

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